
thursday - thirstday

jajajaja so gewisse donnerstage erleichtern das schulleben ungemein ;) der gestern war wieder mal der hammer. getanzt, gefeiert, getrunken, gelacht, gesungen bis zum umfallen war die devise gestern. nach so einer dicken party kann man beruhigt das 1. schulsemester hinter sich lassen und gelassen die ferienwoche beginnen lassen. somit meine lieben leute: allen ne stressfreie & schöne woche und nicht vergessen "1..2...3... gute laune!!" :D

soo bin dann mal weg ...


no reports once again

hey out there. I have been already in a winter-skiing-mood, cause of the upcoming-big ski trip and I'm still even found 2 incredible teasers of ski-movies.
just take a look, they're really really good and give me a crapy gooooose flesh

tha burner
p.s. soundtrack makes me lough

original website with more unbeeliieeevaaable movies:
matchstick production

soo be smooth :)


state of flux

just some days left and then we're finally free.. just for a week, man, but we take what we can grab (like school would be all-you-can-eat-buffet).

Je suis ennuyeuse. hopefully (my french is worse than my spanish, english, german or even czech) that means that I'm bored. So I'm writing a blog-entry with some impressions from our small little country Austria. For all of you that don't know it, we have a lot of kangaroos here =)

Nope, but we went to the cinema the other day to watch "Entre le murs" in french with german subtitles. As my personal résumée I have to say:

"It was long, it was french, it was bad."

Point, end of story. And in this boring, long, not a bit funny movie they said that you don't have to know Austria, because if it would be away no one would even recognise. Well, I think I would like the movie more if they haven't had sad this. I mean, we have Mozart, we have Bauchklang, Excuse me Moses, Mondscheiner, we have Frequency and Hydrokultur and we have Gregor Schlierenzauer.. what else do you ask for? ... well the only good thing about France is perhaps Pierre Casiraghi (and he is from Monaco btw). My conclusion: I prefer our small little country!

So, well, I don't know what else to write.. so you have to wait for another entry by the amazing, wonderful and actual absent other half of iNoco =)

see ya, good night and so on..
xoxo i


aufbruchsstimmung q(^-^)p

soo endlich endlich ist der schreckliche Schulstress vorbei und man muss nur noch 1 1/2 wochen gemütlich in die schule watscheln. das ist fein aber was noch feiner ist, sind die darauffolgenden semesterferien :) jetzt wird nämlich richtig gepowderd >auf gehts nach italy (südtirol) für ein paar tägchen, aber vorher machn ma noch einen kleinen abstecher nach bad gastein zum red bull playstreets, freu mich diesmal schon sehr..

zitat vom donnerstag: "We all carry these things inside that no one else can see. They hold us down like anchors. They drown us out at sea"
na denne, wünsche all of you schöne, entspannende, gemütliche & partygeile ferien :)